
Everything you want to know about the 1D0-541 CIW v5 Database Design Specialist exam

Q. What is the 1D0-541 exam? A. The 1D0-541 exam measures a candidate’s knowledge of designing relational databases. This individual defines the structure of a database, employs entity-relationship (ER) diagrams and normalization to optimize databases, builds database client applications, and performs database maintenance and security administration. Q. What are the prerequisites for the 1D0-541 exam? […]

September 27, 2010
4 min
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Everything you want to know about the 1D0-541 CIW v5 Database Design Specialist exam

Q. What is the 1D0-541 exam?
A. The 1D0-541 exam measures a candidate’s knowledge of designing relational databases. This individual defines the structure of a database, employs entity-relationship (ER) diagrams and normalization to optimize databases, builds database client applications, and performs database maintenance and security administration.

Q. What are the prerequisites for the 1D0-541 exam?
A. The following prerequisites are recommended or required for candidates taking the CIW v5 Database Design Specialist exam and seeking CIW v5 Database Design Specialist certification: The CIW Certification Agreement is required for CIW certification eligibility. The candidate can submit this agreement after taking the exam by logging on as a CIW Candidate to the CIW Candidate Information Center site. This agreement needs to be completed only once, but no CIW certification will be awarded without it, even if you pass the exam.

Q. What credit does the Database design specialist exam provide?
A. CIW v5 Database Design Specialist 1D0-541 is a requirement for the following CIW certifications:

  • CIW v5 Database Design Specialist
  • Master CIW Enterprise Developer

Q. What certificate does it provide?
A. This exam provides the CIW v5 Database Design Specialist certificate.

Q. How many questions are asked in the test?
A. This exam consists of 50 questions.

Q. What is the duration of the test?
A. The duration of this exam is 90 minutes.

Q. Which type of test is it? (Adaptive/Linear)
A. It is a Linear test.

Q. What is the passing score?
A. You have to correctly answer at least 39 of the 50 questions to achieve a total score of 75% or greater to pass the exam.

Q. What is the test retake policy?
A. The CIW Exam Retake Policy has the conditions under which a candidate may retake a CIW exam. A waiting period between retakes of exams maintains the security of the exam and strengthens the value of the CIW certification. A retake is any subsequent sitting of an exam with the same CIW exam ID by the same candidate at any authorized testing center.

In the event that a candidate passes a CIW exam, the candidate will not be allowed to retake that CIW exam. If the CIW exam objectives change, the exam ID changes to reflect the new exam version. Candidates who have passed an exam may sit a newer version of the exam that may have the same title but a different ID number.

In the event that a candidate fails a CIW exam on his or her first attempt, a 24-hour waiting period is required between the first and second sittings of that CIW exam. Candidates are required to wait for a period of no less than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the previous sitting before any third or subsequent sitting of the same CIW exam.

Exams administered in any ways that do not comply with the CIW Exam Retake Policy shall be considered invalid and ineligible for a refund.

In the event that a candidate has violated this Exam Retake Policy, the candidate may be deemed ineligible to register for or schedule any CIW exam for a minimum period of twelve (12) months from the date of such determination.

In addition, any candidate determined to have violated the CIW Exam Retake Policy may be subject to any or all of the following:

  • Denial of a specific CIW certification for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of such determination
  • Revocation of a specific CIW certification, if such certification had been previously granted to the candidate
  • Revocation of all CIW certifications previously granted to the candidate
  • Ineligibility to receive any CIW certification for a minimum of twelve (12) months from the date of such determination
  • Any other appropriate actions, including legal remedies, deemed necessary or appropriate to enforce the CIW Exam Retake Policy.

Q. What skills are measured in the Database design specialist exam?
A. The CIW Database Design Specialist exam plans and designs relational databases. This individual defines the structure of a database, employs entity relationship (ER) diagrams and normalization to optimize databases, builds database client applications, and performs database maintenance and security administration. Database design skills are a combination of technical and non-technical theory and knowledge required for those interested in developing databases in most popular platforms. The 1D0-541 exam tests the following knowledge domains:

  1. Relational Database Fundamentals
  2. Relational Database Design and Application
  3. Normalization and Database Design
  4. Structured Query Language (SQL)
  5. Relational Algebra and Databases
  6. Transactions, Currency Control and Database Security

Q. Where can I take the test?
A. You can take the exam at Prometric and VUE testing centers worldwide

Q. How do I register for the 1D0-541 exam?
A. Contact Prometric or VUE to register and schedule exams at your convenience.
