How Can I Pass The Cisco CCNA 200-125 Exam?
This is the question that arises in your mind when you decide to prepare for the Cisco certification exam. Cisco offers a series of associates and expert level certifications such as CCNA, CCNP, CCENT and many more that are a milestone in the field of networking. Get complete knowledge about the Cisco CCNA certification exam […]
The cert guide containing labs offer hands-on learning with the real-world scenarios. Here are the exam topics covered in the study guide:
- Subnet Design
- Managing IOS Files
- Data Security Features
- Analyzing Subnet Masks
- Analyzing Existing Subnets
- Implementing IPv6 Routing
- IPv4 Troubleshooting Tools
- Network Address Translation
- Variable-length Subnet Masks
- Device Management Protocols
- DHCP and IP Networking on Hosts
- Advanced IPv4 Access Control Lists
- Fundamentals IPv4 Addressing and Routing
- Fundamentals of TCP/IP Transport and Applications
The course comes with the following learning resources:
- 91+ Lessons
- 361+ Quizzes
- 915+ Flashcards
- 2+ Full-length Tests
- 121+ Pre-assessments
- 130+ Post Assessments
- 423+ Performance-based Labs
About The Exam
Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching certification is an industry-recognized credential designed for IT network practitioners. This cert exam validates the expertise and technical knowledge required for LAN Switching Fundamentals; Infrastructure Maintenance; Infrastructure Services; Network Fundamentals; and Routing Fundamentals; IPv4 and IPv6 routing technologies. Passing Cisco certification exams will expand your knowledge and skill set. So, start your prep for the Cisco CCNA 200-125 cert exam with the uCertify study guide and accelerate your career trajectory.