Instructor Led Training
IT Specialist Java
Instructor-led training (ILT) is a traditional form of education that involves a skilled instructor leading a classroom or virtual session to deliver training to learners.
Limited seat available, enroll before date April 14, 2025.
why should buy instructor led course?
Investing in an instructor-led course offers several advantages that can greatly enhance your learning experience. One of the key benefits is the opportunity to receive expert guidance from seasoned professionals who possess extensive knowledge and expertise in the subject matter. These instructors can offer valuable insights, address your queries, and provide guidance tailored to your specific needs. Additionally, instructor-led courses follow a well-structured curriculum, ensuring a comprehensive learning journey that covers all the essential topics. This structured approach enables you to progress in a logical and organized manner, building a strong foundation of knowledge. Moreover, instructor-led courses often provide personalized feedback, allowing you to receive individualized assessments and guidance to improve your understanding and skills.
Professional Certificate.
Obtaining certification of completion is a significant benefit that comes with many instructor-led courses. This certification serves as formal recognition of your successful completion of the course and showcases your commitment to learning and professional development. It can be a valuable addition to your resume or portfolio, highlighting your expertise and dedication in a specific field or skill set. Certification demonstrates to employers, clients, or colleagues that you have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to perform tasks effectively. It can enhance your credibility and open doors to new career opportunities or advancements. Moreover, certification provides a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, validating the time and effort you invested in the course. Ultimately, the certification of completion offers tangible evidence of your commitment to continuous learning and professional growth, making it a worthwhile asset in today's competitive job market.
How Does It Work?

Zoom meeting with student twice a week.
As an educator, I have implemented a structured learning approach by conducting Zoom meetings with my students twice a week. This interactive platform has become an invaluable tool for fostering meaningful connections and facilitating engaging discussions in a virtual classroom setting.
AI Tutor support.
Mentoring support plays a crucial role in guiding individuals towards personal and professional growth. By offering mentorship, I provide a safe and supportive space for individuals to explore their goals, challenges, and aspirations.
Assignments and Grade.
Assignments and grading are essential components of the educational process, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding of concepts and skills while providing teachers with a means to assess their progress. Assignments are designed to reinforce learning, encourage critical thinking, and promote independent problem-solving.
About This Course
Skills You’ll Get
Hands-On Labs
58+ LiveLab | 00+ Minutes
Lesson Plan
- How This Course Is Organized?
- Who Should Read This Course?
- Conventions Used in This Course
Getting Started with Java
- The Java Language
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Objects and Classes
- Attributes and Behavior
- Organizing Classes and Class Behavior
- Summary
The ABCs of Programming
- Statements and Expressions
- Variables and Data Types
- Comments
- Literals
- Expressions and Operators
- String Arithmetic
- Summary
Working with Objects
- Creating New Objects
- Using Class and Instance Variables
- Calling Methods
- References to Objects
- Casting Objects and Primitive Types
- Comparing Object Values and Classes
- Summary
Lists, Logic, and Loops
- Arrays
- Block Statements
- if Conditionals
- Switch Conditionals
- The Ternary Operator
- for Loops
- while and do Loops
- Breaking Out of Loops
- Summary
Creating Classes and Methods
- Defining Classes
- Creating Instance and Class Variables
- Creating Methods
- Creating Java Applications
- Java Applications and Arguments
- Creating Methods with the Same Name
- Constructors
- Overriding Methods
- Summary
Packages, Interfaces, and Other Class Features
- Modifiers
- Static Variables and Methods
- Final Classes, Methods, and Variables
- Abstract Classes and Methods
- Packages
- Creating Your Own Packages
- Interfaces
- Creating and Extending Interfaces
- Summary
Exceptions and Threads
- Exceptions
- Managing Exceptions
- Declaring Methods That Might Throw Exceptions
- Creating and Throwing Exceptions
- When Not to Use Exceptions
- Threads
- Summary
Data Structures
- Moving Beyond Arrays
- Java Structures
- Generics
- Enumerations
- Summary
Creating a Graphical User Interface
- Creating an Application
- Working with Components
- Lists
- The Java Class Library
- Summary
Building an Interface
- Swing Features
- Summary
Arranging Components on a User Interface
- Basic Interface Layout
- Mixing Layout Managers
- Card Layout
- Summary
Responding to User Input
- Event Listeners
- Working with Methods
- Summary
Creating Java2D Graphics
- The Graphics2D Class
- Drawing Text
- Color
- Drawing Lines and Polygons
- Summary
Developing Swing Applications
- Improving Performance with SwingWorker
- Grid Bag Layout
- Summary
Using Inner Classes and Lambda Expressions
- Inner Classes
- Lambda Expressions
- Variable Type Inference
- Summary
Working with Input and Output
- Introduction to Streams
- Byte Streams
- Filtering a Stream
- Character Streams
- Files and Paths
- Summary
Communicating Over HTTP
- Networking in Java
- The java.nio Package
- Summary
Accessing Databases with JDBC and Derby
- Java Database Connectivity
- Summary
Reading and Writing RSS Feeds
- Using XML
- Designing an XML Dialect
- Processing XML with Java
- Processing XML with XOM
- Summary
Making Web Service Requests
- Introduction to XML-RPC
- Communicating with XML-RPC
- Choosing an XML-RPC Implementation
- Using an XML-RPC Web Service
- Creating an XML-RPC Web Service
- Summary
Writing a Game with Java
- Playing a Game
- Summary
Appendix A: Using the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment
- Installing NetBeans
- Creating a New Project
- Creating a New Java Class
- Running the Application
- Fixing Errors
- Expanding and Shrinking a Pane
- Exploring NetBeans
Appendix B: Fixing Package Not Visible Errors in NetBeans
- Adding Module Info
Appendix C: Using the Java Development Kit
- Choosing a Java Development Tool
- Configuring the Java Development Kit
- Using a Text Editor
- Creating a Sample Program
Appendix D: Programming with the Java Development Kit
- Overview of the JDK
- java, the Java Virtual Machine
- The javac Compiler
- The javadoc Documentation Tool
- The jar Java File Archival Tool
- The jdb Debugger
- Using System Properties
- Writing Java Statements in a Shell
Frequently asked questions
Ready to get started?